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Financial Blueprints for Project Life-trek

"Project Lifetrek is thrilled to have the support of so many kind-hearted people. We launched a GoFundMe campaign to kickstart our women's empowerment project in Nepal and were grateful to receive significant support.

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Thank you Kajaktiv for the all the dry-tops

In this blog, we want to tell everyone the great news Kajaktiv in Sweden donated ten dry tops from Hiko and Sweet protection. Both brands are well-established in the paddling community. So firstly, we would like to say thank you to Kajaktiv and James Venimore for their support.

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National Rafting Championship

I am Anu Shrestha, working as a rafting guide since 2008. I have been involved many times in different white water challenges as well. In 2017 International rafting federation brought judge training to Nepal. I was the only woman who did training with 32 men guides.

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Girl's first day in the big rapid and camping

It was a big day for us because we were going to hit the massive waves in the Trishuli river for the first time. When we began our girl's training, we started with very basic and accessible from the lake in the Pokhara.

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The journey has begun

Finally, we are working on our project for real. Seeing our first group of women get up early every morning and train hard all day until late at night fills me with great joy.

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